A more intentional unfolding of meaning…

As a former fashion photographer I was always so excited by the conceptual aspects of the craft. Editorials that pulled me in were often fantastical and farcical, allegories, and veiled commentary on the very consumerism being promoted. My career was much less glamorous as I found myself consistently at odds with the new generation of fast fashion and fast photos.

Now focused on conceptual, sculptural and introspective work, I’ve been free to challenge perception and re-imagine the familiar. I create intentional, meditative art objects that evoke memories, time and rebellion that often aid in my own ability to process the world around me.

Los Angeles, CA is home and you can find me walking around with my wife and German Shepherd, searching for the best tacos on the best open air patio.

Pro tip: They’re all pretty damn perfect.

Penumbra, Group Show, Los Angeles Art Association, Jan 2022
Full Bodied, Group Show, LAAA, Dec 2021
Threshold Group Show, Kirkland Arts Center, Juror’s Choice Award, Jan/Feb 2020
Unseen, WUHO Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 2013
The Mattress Series, Solo Exhibition, Groundwork Coffee, Venice/CA (Solo Exhibition, 2012)
Paul Revere Williams Retrospective, The Art Museum at the University of Memphis, Memphis/TN (Two-person Exhibition with David Horan, 2011)
Filthy/Lovely, Odessa Gallery, Memphis/TN (Solo Exhibition, 2011)